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Dear Customers,

Federal Batteries is introducing Barcodes to selected products from our battery range.

Confidence in the quality of its lithium battery range has prompted REMCO to extend its warranty from four to five years.


“We trust the quality so much that we decided to increase the warranty by an additional year, offering consumers one of the best warranties in the market,” said Anthony Trigona, REMCO Product Manager.


“Players from the Western Sydney Wanderers Football Club Power Chair Team have received significant support from Federal Batteries, giving them the power to keep playing. Powerchair football is a modified version of football (soccer) for electric wheelchair users and is played in over 30 countries. Foot guards fitted to the modified chairs are used to knock the ball to teammates and the goal.Twenty batteries, enough to power ten chairs for the team, have been donated by Federal Batteries.

A three-way partnership aimed at improving battery reliability across Fonterra’s milk tanker fleet has had health and safety benefits as well as boosting the co-op’s bottom line

Not all RV batteries are built the same, and one of the worst mistakes you can make as a buyer is to automatically assume your new RV battery will last for years without having to replace it.

As a distributor, we want to assure you that Federal Batteries will remain available to serve you and essential service providers. Our Melbourne Distribution Centre will remain open for deliveries whilst operating under Level 4 restriction requirements with a COVID Safe Plan in place. 

These are all-important factors to consider when maintaining an absorbent glass-mat (AGM) battery.

We are often asked questions by our customers and batteries have evolved which leads to thoughts which were once true to now be myths. Saying that, I thought it would be a good idea to share a list of traditional battery myths followed by the truth.

The old adage of you get what you pay for has never been truer in the low-cost AGM battery market.

With so many product offerings in the marketplace, especially online, consumers can and do fall for some amazing claims as to battery performance.

So, what really is the difference between some low-cost batteries, and our quality products?

The pics below (Brand X) are an example of what some manufacturers will do to sell their product to unsuspecting customers.

With start-stop batteries in 1 in 6 cars you see on our Australian roads, we sat down with our resident Battery Expert, Anthony, to answer the most commonly asked questions regarding eco driving and start-stop technology.

So, Anthony. What is eco driving and why is it important?

Eco driving originated to reduce green house gas emissions through fuel consumption.

Are you talking about start-stop vehicles?