Federal Batteries Powering Work, Life and Play in the Community

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Federal Batteries Powering Work, Life and Play in the Community

Powerchair football is a modified version of football (soccer) for electric wheelchair users and is played in over 30 countries. Foot guards fitted to the modified chairs are used to knock the ball to teammates and the goal.

Twenty batteries, enough to power ten chairs for the team, have been donated by Federal Batteries.

“It was more than a donation; it was to facilitate the happiness and value that this game brings to the players, their careers and support teams,” Federal Batteries Regional Manager, John Collyer, Regional Manager, said.

Federal Batteries also supplied four fast chargers to keep the team playing during tournaments.

“This is more than sport for the participants, this is their social life and opportunity to compete and participate in a team environment. It was great to see everyone getting out there, men, women and children competing and enjoying the game,” John said.

The batteries were supplied just in time to help the club prepare for and compete in the week-long Australian Power Chair Football National Championships held at Sydney Olympic Park in late April.

John said he hoped the donation was the beginning of a continuing partnership with the club.

“We wanted to make a substantial difference. Federal Batteries’ focus is about providing the best power solutions for work, life, and play – so this is a great fit for us,” John said.

WSW FC Power Chair midfielder, Ben Keyte, said the yellow-tops Optima batteries were supplied to the whole squad.

“Thanks to Federal for supplying these batteries, which is a massive financial cost, plus several fast chargers. As it is essential between the matches, we charge our chairs and be back to 100 percent power before kick-off,” Mr Keyte said.

“It (the batteries donation) takes the financial burden off the players and families. Normally it takes a set of batteries in these sports chairs, costing roughly $700 to $800, so it can be quite expensive.

“All these extra expenses of having a child or person with a disability that they’re supporting, so to have Federal Batteries come in and take that financial load off us and help us and the club is amazing, and we really appreciate it.”

Federal Batteries, partnering with our community to power work, life, and play.”